Access Better Employment Options with our NDIS Customised Employment Services

We provide a flexible process designed to personalise the employment relationship between a job seeker and an employer. 

NDIS Customised Employment is the new kid on the block when it comes to job creation. We work closely with clients, exploring their interests and skillset in order to  job carve a role that best suits them while also meeting employer’s needs . By removing barriers and creating opportunities for people living with disabilities, we help our clients reach their employment goals.

I'm looking for a job opportunity

I have a goal of employment in my NDIS plan.

I'm an employer seeking to hire.

Help my business to recruit a person living with disabilities. We provide long-term and short-term support for your company in order to ensure the success of your new hire. 

We are your One-Stop Shop for NDIS Customised Employment Services

Better Employment Connections is a customised employment service provider delivering employment options in Australia. Our goal is to create a more inclusive workplace in Australia where everyone can achieve their employment goals. Our team specialises in working with people who live with disabilities, helping them find jobs that fit their skills and interests, and connecting them to the right employer

Every individual is different and we take the time to get to know each of our clients so that we can best match them with potential employers. We are passionate about helping our clients reach their full potential, and we are committed to providing an inclusive and supportive service. 

Person in a wheeledchair working through NDIS customised employment

How can NDIS Customised Employment help me find a Job?

At Better Employment Connections, we understand that finding a job can be a challenge, especially if you are someone who is living with disabilities.  We offer customised employment options to help you find a job that fits your skills and interests. Working closely with our clients, we will find the industry you want to work in and job carve a role that best suits you. Next, we provide support to connect you with the right employer. Our goal is to help you succeed in your career goals.

As a customised employment provider, we can support your job search by:

Assessing your work goals, interest and abilities

Cultivate your skills and be job ready

Work with possible employers to job carve a role that match your skills and interests

Providing one-on-one support during job interviews

Offering on-the-job and post employment support once you start work.

Supporting Employers to Recruit and Retain Employees living with Disabilities

Supporting Employers to Recruit and Retain Employees living with Disabilities

We understand that employers may have concerns about recruiting and retaining employees living with disabilities. That is why we are here to help. Employers, are provided with advice and support on how to create an inclusive workplace that welcomes and supports all employees. Our team helps connect employers with qualified candidates who are interested in working for their organisation.

We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to find meaningful employment that suits their skills and interests.

Start your NDIS Customised Employment process in just 4 easy steps

The journey towards work readiness training does not begin or end with training. We provide a holistic approach starting from their very basics, which includes all aspects necessary for success in any workplace. 

1. Discovery

Learn about your preferences, talents, and interests in relation to possible work.

2. Job Search Planning

To kick off the job search process, we create a list of potential employers and look for prospects using the knowledge gained during Discovery.

3. Job Development & Negotiation

We work with you and the employers to create job carving opportunities that are tailored to the individual's skills and goals.

4. Post-Employment Support

Get the support you want with ongoing post-employment support and monitoring the employment relationship.

Why Choose Us as your NDIS Customised Employment Services Provider in Australia?

At Better Employment Connections we pride ourselves on our ability to provide NDIS customised employment options that fit the skills and interests of people living with disabilities.  It is our strong belief that every person has the potential to succeed and be successful, no matter what their situation. We work hard on finding jobs for people who are interested in exploring different career options or starting up new careers as well providing tailored support services so employers can see how employing someone living with disabilities will benefit both themselves financially by attracting the right people for their business.  

With a strong focus on connecting our clients with the right employers, ensuring that they have every opportunity to succeed in their chosen career. 

Diversity in the workplace for people with disability

Fill out our form to start your customised job search today!

Frequently Asked Questions

A person-centered approach to employment assistance and services is called customised employment. Customised employment aims to suit a job to a person with a disability’s abilities, interests, and talents while also satisfying the demands of business.

The changes will give you more control over how you use these supports, including how they might aid you in pursuing any new employment goals, even though you can still work at your Australian Disability Enterprise ADE.

Participants who require additional assistance to accomplish their work goals may be eligible for services through the NDIS. These supports typically go beyond what may be reasonably offered by an employer or with the assistance of Disability Employment Services (DES).

In the NDIS, DES are acknowledged as the main resource for support for participants who want help developing the skills necessary to participate in and find work, as well as ongoing support to help participants maintain employment.

The NDIS offers financial assistance to qualified disabled individuals so they can spend more time with their loved ones, be more independent, have access to volunteering opportunities in their community and new skills, all of which will improve their quality of life. Anyone with a handicap can access community services through the NDIS.

  • We provide access to a diverse pool of talents that are trained and efficiently equipped to be work-ready. This will help you gain dedicated employees as we help NDIS participants customise their employment options and find jobs that are right for them.
  • We collaborate with you and the employee to create a unique job and setup that suits the employee and specifically towards your needs. We’ll have the ability to negotiate around your business needs and able to carve out a role specific to both parties.
  • Have total support from the start and through the employment process from our Customised Employment Specialist. Our on-the-job support worker will guide the employee (if required) to address any concerns around employee abilities.

Better Employment Connections specialises in employment programs for people with disabilities. We understand the unique challenges that our clients face and we are here to help. Our 4-step process includes Discovery, Job search Development, Job Carving, and Post Employment Support.

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